Monday, March 16, 2020

Work From Home Doing Affiliate Marketing

Want to know whats a good platfom to start affiliate marketing

Blog by Jerry Davenport | March 16, 2020

When I started doing affiliate marketing, my first thoguht was what platform was i going to start with and, how do i find a platform to start with. So, doing some research i cam acroos a couple. The first one was clickbank, it wss free to sign up with and it has thousands of products to choose from. However some of ther eaffiliate products are not that great. But it was free to sign up with.

The secound i found was amazon associate. Amazon has been around for years. Has a had a great reputation for a long time, i think they have kind had problems in the past, but they have got oveer the hump. They hundred of thousands of products to choose from. The only thing i don't like about them is there is only a 24 hourse cookie that will las once that affiliate link goes up. 

I found a good affiliate marketing program in Legendary Marketing. I think its fairly new. They have affiliate programs that sell hight ticket price affiliate porograms. This one is free also, the thing i like about this one is they give you a free course, its called 15 day free challenge course. if you finish they give a option on on signning up with them. Another  option is one is free program, the other is 30 a month.

If you sigdn up for free they still give you free trainning courses to folow and watch and study, and give you some products to promote,now if you sign up the $30 dollores month it's called pro affiliate. They give everything from free video course, call scripts, video scripts, email scripts, and facebook ad scripts. Another cool thing about Legendary is they give you a coach or advisor to talk to anythime you need help. 

Contuning witht he 4rd one one i found is cj affiliate. I just added on there program, and its free also. It seems that have a good reputation, and they have a alot of good products to choose from. But for me it seem kind of confusion how to get around getting link or if you want to advirtise with programs, the company has to agree to go through manually and have to have if you get the ok to advertise with them.

So, these are just a sample of platforms i'm using as of know, and maybe it could be usefull to give some little information on them if your starting out being an affilaite. Do some reaserch and fin dout what plst forms is right for you to use for affiliate marketing.

be back with more

Thank You everybody

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